Job Details

By filling out the form below you agree to the terms set forth here.

I, (Hereinafter "The Model"), stipulate to the following terms and conditions with Divaz Inc. (Hereinafter "The Company"):
The Model acknowledges that as a Representative of The Company, she will attend the scheduled Shoot/Event: Hogs 'N Hotties on behalf of Divaz Inc
The date(s) of this event shall occur July 30, 2022 - July 31, 2022.
This Event shall take place in Topeka, KS, therefore travel and stay accommodations will be pre-arranged and secured by Divaz Inc.
    1. The Model acknowledges that to attend the aforementioned event, travel will occur.
    2. Divaz Inc. stipulates that The Company, in advance of the event/shoot where The Model is scheduled to be in attendance, will pre-book and pay for The Model's flight to said event.
    3. The Company shall also pay for The Model's hotel and/or stay arrangements while The Model is in travel for Divaz Inc.
    4. The Company agrees to compensate The Model in the amount of $500 for her representation at the aforementioned event.
    5. The Model acknowledges that should she for ANY reason whatsoever fail to make The Model's scheduled flight, or not be present for ANY reason at the aforementioned event, The Model hereby agrees to reimburse Divaz Inc. in full for any and all monies spent on The Model's behalf for travel and stay accommodations spent in advance on the models behalf.


Fill out the form below to apply for this event.

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